Tokyo Funky Dolls

Tokyo Funky Dollsは、圧倒的な実力を誇るSoul & Funkパフォーマンスグループです。世界中をつなぐリズムとSoulに、日本人の熱いパッションを融合させ、アメリカや日本で感動的なパフォーマンスを展開しています。その歌唱力とエンターテインメント性はまさに圧巻。さらに、観客と一体となって盛り上がるライブパフォーマンスは、多くの人々に愛されています。

Tokyo Funky Dolls is recognized as a powerhouse Soul & Funk performance group, delivering captivating shows in both the U.S. and Japan. By blending the rhythms and soul that unite the world with the fiery passion of the Japanese spirit, they create unforgettable experiences. Their vocal talent and high-energy performances consistently amaze audiences, making each show a powerful and memorable event.




Since graduating from music school, KiSYA has advanced her career as a soul and jazz singer.

She has performed at the music festivals, events and clubs, not only in JAPAN, but other countries as well, including the United Nations in New York City, City Hall in Hartford, Washington D.C., Shanghai, among others.

She is a member of a soul group called Tokyo Funky Dolls that have toured around the USA every year since 2007.

KiSYA is the first Japanese singer that has recorded original songs at the church. Heavily inspired by R&B, Gospel ,Jazz and Soul, her vocal style is deeply soulful and unique.




COKO was introduced to MINYO, a traditional Japanese Folk-style music during the earliest moments of her childhood. From this experience, she gained not only an appreciation of traditional Japanese music, but was also motivated to acquire her license as an instructor later in life. Always motivated to broaden her musical horizons, she loves performing whenever possible. And, don’t let her petite size fool you! COKO may be tiny, but she’s a package of dynamite, with a powerful voice that has earned her a lot of praise and demands much attention every time she performs.


幼少の頃よりバレエを始める。音楽教師である母親の影響を受け、東邦音楽大 学声楽科を卒業。幼い頃から歌い踊り、人前でパフォーマンスする事に夢中に な る。在学中から歌とダンスを披露する音楽ライヴを開催するなど豊富な経験 を活かし、卒業後は某大型テーマパークにて、ダンスパフォーマーとして長年第 一線 で活躍する。その後「楽しくパフォーマンスする事を広めていきたい」という思いから、 指導者・講師としての活動にも力を入れ、自身のライヴ活動を進めている。

MiLLY is trained in Classical Ballet, which she began at the early age of three.

She continued her love of dance all the way up through university and then, went onto become a featured dancer at Tokyo Disneyland. Now in charge of choreography for Tokyo Funky Dolls, MiLLY continues to impress with her energetic moves, her infectiously joyful personality, and beautiful vocal talent. Dancin’ Machine MiLLY is a treat to watch and hear.